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发表于 2006-12-4 18:15:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  现在是不是装软件很烦人啊,弄不好一路next下去还会装上以3721为核心的流氓软件集团~~HOHO,所以嘛,软件,就是要绿色的爽!但是现在的程序员越来越不厚道了,一个几K的工具都要先msi再rar最后zip~~~怎样剥离安装文件 setup.exe中的资源是长久以来没能解决的问题。虽然有n多命令行的工具可以用来unpack,但有多少人愿意在每次安装软件的过程中输入那么一大串命令呢?所以 老外 做了个整合的GUI程序,可以用来unpack n多的exe安装包格式,这就是今天要向大家隆重推荐的,小巧方便的,杀人灭口居家旅行的必备工具:Universal Extractor ,目前支持的安装包格式有

7-zip 压缩包 .7z, .exe
ACE 压缩包 .ace
ARC 压缩包 .arc
ARJ 压缩包 .arj, .exe
BIN/CUE CD-ROM 镜像 .bin, .cue
bzip2 压缩包 .bz2, .tbz2, .tar.bz2
CPIO 压缩文件 .cpio
Debian 安装包 .deb
gzip 压缩包 .gz, .tgz, .tar.gz
IMG 软盘镜像 .img
Inno Setup 安装包 .exe
InstallShield Cabinet 压缩包 .cab
InstallShield 安装包 .exe
ISO CD-ROM 镜像 .iso
LZH 压缩文件 .lzh, .lha
LZW 压缩文件 .Z, .tz, .tar.Z
LZO 压缩文件 .lzo
Microsoft Cabinet 压缩包 .cab, .exe
Microsoft帮助文件(Compiled Help file) .chm
Microsoft压缩文件 .??_
Windows帮助文件e .hlp
NSIS 安装包 .exe
RAR 压缩包 .rar, .001, .exe
RPM 安装包 .rpm
TAR 压缩包 .tar, .tbz2, .tgz, .tz, .tar.bz2, .tar.gz, .tar.z
Windows Installer安装包 .msi
Wise Installer 安装包 .exe
ZIP 压缩包 .zip, .jar, .xpi, .exe

.??_ Microsoft 压缩文件
.001 RAR 压缩包
.7z 7-zip 压缩包
.ace ACE 压缩包
.arc ARC 压缩包
.arj ARJ 压缩包
.bin BIN/CUE CD-ROM 镜像
.bz2 bzip2 压缩包
.cab InstallShield 压缩格式,Microsoft Cabinet 压缩包
.chm Microsoft Compiled Help file
.cpio CPIO 压缩文件
.cue BIN/CUE CD-ROM 镜像
.deb Debian 安装包
.exe ARJ自解压包,Inno Setup安装包, InstallShield安装包,CAB/RAR/ZIP自解压安装包,NSIS安装包
Wise Installer 安装包
.gz gzip 压缩包
.hlp Microsoft Windows Help file
.jar ZIP 压缩包
.img IMG 软盘镜像
.iso ISO CD-ROM 镜像
.lha LZH (Amiga) 压缩文件
.lzh LZH (Amiga) 压缩文件
.lzo LZO 压缩文件
.msi Windows Installer安装包
.rar RAR 压缩包
.rpm RPM 安装包
.tar TAR 压缩包
.tar.bz2 bzip2-compressed TAR 压缩包
.tar.gz gzip-compressed TAR 压缩包
.tar.Z LZW-compressed TAR 压缩包
.tbz2 bzip2-compressed TAR 压缩包
.tgz gzip-compressed TAR 压缩包
.tz LZW-compressed TAR 压缩包
.xpi ZIP 压缩包
.Z LZW 压缩文件
.zip ZIP 压缩包


http://www.legroom.net/modules.p ... &app=uniextract

要下载的话到这里(晕,自己叫UniExtract还 提供exe的安装包~)






软件的使用太简单了,把exe安装文件拖到 uniextract.exe图标上就OK了!

我一般是在 “开始”菜单建立一个UniExtract的快捷方式,定义一个快捷键Ctrl+Alt+X,使用的时候按一下Ctrl+Alt+X,然后把下载下来的程序拖到UniExtract界面上,点 OK ,整个过程不到3秒!

最后说说,UniExtract只不过是现有解包工具的一些组合和优化,有的时候它探测exe安装包的类型还得用PEiD~~~HOHO~~下面是它引用的第三方 Ultilities 列表(我以前都用这些命令行工具的~~~)

7-Zip (Igor Pavlov, Open Source) - Excellent general purpose Windows archive utility; used to extract .7z, 7-Zip SFX .exe, .bz2, .cab, .chm, .cpio, .deb, .gz, .iso, .lha, .lzh, NSIS installer .exe, .rpm, .tar, and .Z files
ARC (Howard Chu, Open Source) - ARC archiving utility; used to extract .arc files; Note: binary was obtained from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/arc.htm
AutoIt (Jonathan Bennett, Open Source) - General-purpose Windows scripting language; used to write the UniExtract front-end
bin2iso (Bob Doiron, Open Source) - Utility to convert BIN/CUE CD-ROM images to ISO images; used in conjunction with 7-Zip to extract .bin/.cue images
Crystal SVG (Everaldo Coelho, Free) - Collection of extremely high-quality icons for Linux/KDE; used as the source graphics for the UniExtract icon
E_WISE (Veit Kannegieser, Open Source) - Wise Installer decompiler; used for extracting files from Wise Installer packages
extract (Gilles Vollant, Freeware) - Floppy disk image extraction utility; used to extract files from .img images
GIMP (Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis, Open Source) - The GNU Image Manipulation Program; used to create the icons used by UniExtract
HelpDeco (Manfred Winterhoff, Freeware) - Decompiler for Windows Help files; used to extract/reconstruct .hlp files
i6comp (Morlac, Open Source) - InstallShield 6.x Compression and Maintenance utility; used for extracting files from InstallShield 3.x - 6.x (I think) installer packages
Info-ZIP UnZip (Info-ZIP, Open Source) - Highly portable ZIP archive utility; used for extracting .zip and ZIP SFX .exe files
Inno Setup (Jordan Russell, Open Source) - Open Source packaging application for Windows; used to create the UniExtract installer
Innounp (QuickeneR, Open Source) - Inno Setup Unpacker; used for extracting files from Inno Setup installer packages
IsXunpack (Pit0n and SkYuS//vN, Freeware) - InstallShield Unpacker; used for extracting files from modern InstallShield installer packages
lzop (Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, Open Source) - LZO file compression utility; used to extract .lzo files
Open-source ARJ (ARJ Software Russia, Open Source) - Open Source implementation of the ARJ archiving utility; used to extract .arj and ARJ SFX .exe files
PEiD (Jibz, Qwerton, snaker, and xineohP, Freeware) - Portable Executable File Identifier; used to analyze .exe file signature to determine the filetype and whether or not it's a supported archive
tee (Free Software Foundation, Open Source) - Shell utility that redirects standard input to multiple outputs; used to write messages to a log file while also displaying current progress; Windows binary was obtained from http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/
UnRAR (Alexander L. Roshal, Freeware) - Command-line utility for RAR archives; used to extract .rar and RAR SFX .exe files
WUN (J鋑ermeister Markus, Icebird, Open Source) - Wise-Setup Unpacker; used for extracting files from Wise Installer packages (updated version of HWUN)
XAce (Marcel Lemke, Freeware) - ACE archive utility; used for extracting .ace and ACE SFX .exe files

其实平时最常用的就是 InnoUnpack和NSIS,用了3个月了,发现UniExtract还是不能解压SetupFactory制作的exe安装包~~遗憾啊~~不过大家可以看到,里面的Wise UNpacker是国人做的哦~~不过n久没有更新了~~大家以后就不要在运行什么安装程序了,直接解包就是了~~现在的软件不安装99%都能运行的~~



再补充一个网站哈,对于像我这种有极端洁癖的人可能有用: http://www.no-install.com 绿软和绿硬专题哈~~
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