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发行版Elive 1.9.27 (Unstable)发布

发表于 2009-5-17 00:09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Elive,或者称为Enlightenment live CD,是基于Debian的桌面Linux发行,它使用Enlightenment作为窗口管理器。除了面向日常桌面应用进行了预配置外,它还包含了“Elpanel”,一份面向简化系统和桌面管理的控制中心。
        Samuel Baggen has release a new development build of Elive, a Debian-based live CD featuring the Enlightenment 17 desktop. This version includes Compiz desktop effects. From the release announcement: "The Elive team is proud to announce the release of Elive development (Compiz) version 1.9.27. This is a major update for the Compiz series of Elive. Changes: instead of configuring Compiz from ECSM, you can now do it from a module; the cube is disabled by default due to its instability compared to the wall mode; not that the switcher (window switcher) of Compiz is ugly, but it's a bit annoying while the default switcher of E17 is a lot more powerful, configurable, and stable, so we use it as default now (it is still accessed by pressing the Win key plus the Tab key). Note: remember that these are the default configurations, you can change them to your taste!" Download the live CD from here: elive_1.9.27-compiz_unstable.iso (686MB, MD5).
发表于 2009-5-17 08:10:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-18 08:10:14 | 显示全部楼层
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