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[转贴] 免费申请卡巴KIS7.0和8.0通用 100天激活码

发表于 2009-4-25 12:57:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1: 点击连结进入申请网址:http://www.coverdisc.co.uk/cs256/kis (如果进不去 请上代理IP)

2: 填入个人资料, Address (line 2)及Mobile telephone number以外的为必填项目
3: 勾选 "Please tick here if you're over 18", 其它方块可按个人需要来勾选

4: 按 "Submit"

5: 阅读 "Please enter the X word of the Y step." 在空格中 按照下列中给的对应字符填入
如果不是, 请按「上一页」回到之前的页面 (填妥的数据会保留) 并重复步骤直到图3中的画面表示已申请成功。
Please enter the first world of the first step  填  GO
Please enter the first word of the third step  填  THE
Please enter the third word of fifth step  填 JOB
Please enter the fifth word of the third step  填  YOU
Please enter the third word of the second step  填 PERSONAL
Please enter the fifth word of the sixth step  填  ACCOUNT
Please enter the first word of the fourth step  填 YOU
Please enter the fourth word of the fifth step  填  IS
Please enter the third word of the third step  填 SCREEN

6: 再按 "Submit"

用Gmail的邮箱申请速度最快 国内大部分邮箱不能申请.以知126和163的可以.


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